GraffWriter Terms Of Use:

All fonts, Alphabets, letters & other glyphs as well as all other artwork is the sole property of the authors. Graffiti Fonts is a registered trademark of Highground industries. All material featured on is copyright 1991-2008 All use is subject to U.S & international copyright, trademark & intelectual property law.

Artwork created with the assetts available on is free for personal, non-commercial use only.

YOU MAY NOT use artwork created with the assetts available on for any of the following things.

1.) Hate speech or discriminitory materials of any kind.
2.) Adult Websites or other adult or sexually explicit materials.
3.) Gang related or criminal materials of any kind.
4.) Derivative works such as other fonts or software, stencils, alphabets etc.
5.) Any work that violates copyright or intelectual property laws in any way.
6.) Spam. Spoofing or any unsolicited or eronious material of any kind.
7.) Material created on this website may not be redistributed in any way without advance written consent.

For artist info or further questions please visit or Contact Us .


About Commercial Use:

Limited Commercial use is allowed for non sale items such as fliers, invitations & non-downloadable website graphics. If you would like more information on commercial uses please Contact Us

If you want to use these fonts & images as well as others lke them in your professional design work the best solution is to visit & purchase one of our CDROMs which includes a standard commercial license.

What is "commercial use"?
If you are being paid for it it's commercial. Please ask permission & most likely you'll get it.